News / 2019
Archive news and events from 2019.
JUNE 2019
Coming up on the 8th June I will be leading a workshop on creative iphone photography at the Kent Wildlife Trust, Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve - I hope to see you there, book your place on Kent Wildlife Trust web site
MAY 2019
SmartPhoto Courses have published their list of the 101 best landscape photographers - quite chuffed to see I have been included!
They also quoted an interview I did with Shotkit about a few extras that may be useful to carry with you -
Sarah Medway takes some interesting items on her trips that you wouldn’t necessarily think are vital to landscape photography. However, in her interview with Shot Kit she had this to say about what can be found in her camera bag
“I carry with me a picnic blanket, a small bean bag, a couple of bin liners and supermarket carry bags. All have proved useful. The picnic blanket is thick and waterproof on one side so I can lie/kneel on it without getting muddy or wet. The bean bag is perfect for resting the camera if it isn’t practical to use a tripod. The bin liners and carry bags have saved my kit and camera numerous times when I been caught in storms. My Iphone is used constantly to check forecasts, use as a compass and sat nav.”
MAY 2019
On the 18th May I led a creative photography DSLR workshop for Kent Wildlife Trust at Sevenoaks Reserve. The weather was perfect, high sirrus clouds with good ambient light, perfect for taking pictures of the flora and landscapes at the beautiful Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve.
I am so proud to be a part of this - our outdoor photography exhibition runs from 30 April - 12 May 2019, Meet the Artists event 4th May 2-4.30pm. The Oxmarket Gallery is at St Andrew’s Court, off East Street, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1YH. Open Tuesdays to Sundays, 10am – 4.30pm. ‘Parhelion’ is the inaugural exhibition of the Parhelion Group.
My work will be a selection of black and white images taken of the beautiful cats that I work with at The Big Cat Sanctuary in Kent. 50% of profits from my print sales will be donated to The Big Cat Sanctuary.
APRIL 2019
Connected 2019 at Patchings Art Centre
I was so delighted to be one of the guest speakers at the launch weekend of Connected 2019, a well respected photography event based at Patching Art Centre in Nottingham. It was a joy to be amongst such a talented, friendly community group, supremely organised by Rob and Karen Knight. The exhibition is on from 30/3/2019 - 5/5/2019.
Above photo Lamar Francois
Above photos Stuart Petch
Leeds Castle
"We commissioned Sarah for our Leeds Castle 'One Year in 900' project as we instantly fell in love with her creative style and ability to see finer details and beautiful shots which the untrained eye would usually overlook. Our aim was to have a series of 12 breath-taking images to capture the changing seasons at the Castle, something which has not been done in 900 years! Sarah’s dedication to the project was exceptional. Come mist, sunshine or even heavy frost – Sarah was on the estate at 4am with her camera set up ready to capture whatever the weather threw at her. She captured some incredible images for us, for which we will be forever thankful. Not only that, she has a fantastic work ethic and genuinely loves what she does which shows in her photography. We will undoubtedly be calling on her skills and expertise again for future projects.”
Gemma Wright / Public Relations Officer / Leeds Castle
Photos & content © Sarah Medway.
Web site design: Sarah Medway